Project Management and then Construction

Your project can be delivered as a two-stage tender arrangement prior to awarding the construction works during the stage called pre-construction services arrangement - PCSA. See link. This means we will deliver your design through the planning approval phase, then compile tender packs for contractors to bid on your works. If invited we would also bid, this way you can appreciate the transparency we deliver or you can opt for us to deliver with an external contractor on a Project Management basis.

Whichever route is chosen Sevenoaks Design & Build will ensure you have the confidence that you are moving your project forward with the best efficiencies and bang for your buck!

PCSA to ConstructionPCSA to Construction

Project Management

We will give you accurate guidance and feasibility on cost planning, programming & sequencing of works, procurement routes, ideas, solutions, and how to bring the best results to your project. Our architects, structural engineers and project managers are highly qualified and experienced to sort the best innovations and bring the best value to your design and key objectives.


Our team of skilled site managers and tradesmen work closely with our supply chain to ensure that the installation and materials used are of the highest quality to meet your specification and that we deliver on time. Our Quality Assurance checks are carried out meticulously throughout the various key stages of the project to ensure the final product delivers on our promises to you. Our team throughout are highly qualified and highly experienced.

Project value range from £250k - £10M

Feel free to give us a call and see if we can make your dream a reality.