This means that all checks, sampling, and control measures are in place to ensure that the final product not only looks good but works and performs to its specification over many years to come. Not achieving this high standard is of no use to our clients nor ourselves. We will only use quality materials and only deliver compliant workmanship of the highest standard.
Our key objectives are to perform and behave correctly to achieve high-quality projects, on time and defect free. We will always return after six months to carry out any settlement defects which is all part of and included in our services.
Each project gets its own site-specific Project & Quality Plan which demonstrates and measures our commitment to - Safety, Programme and Quality.
We are committed to the principle of never-ending improvements in reliability of service and client confidence. Our clients will always have opportunity to inspect our work when presented as complete, at all stages of a live projects lifecycle.
Delivering to Building Codes ensures that all works are tested & compliant, and our clients get the quality they are expecting and paying for. We pride ourselves on delivering that quality and wish for that to be our trademark. Quality is not something that is only made on the surface. All works are covered by warranty.
Sevenoaks Design & Build can arrange all necessary Building Control inspections and sign-off.
Confidence, Policy & Contract
Confidence: We endeavour for our clients to have full confidence in us. Confidence is only ever built on trust by delivering on what we say we will do. This may be a bit cliché, but we simply will not mislead a customer to win a project. We maintain our professionalism and collaborative style throughout to ensure we do not fail our clients, and that they trust us.
Policy: There are far too many accounts, past and present, of contractors underbidding then escalating variations/extras on projects. This is totally what we are against. We are upfront, honest, recognise risk, sensibly manage budgets and plan methodically. We commit to our projects, commit to what we have agreed on and with that our clients are confident, are not stressed out and are committed to us.
Each project agrees a retention scheme which is only payable upon reaching conclusion of a defects free liability period which is regularly six months post completion.
Contract: Joint Contracts Tribunal – As a design and build construction business we work under the JCT contract basis, which is the most popular form of commercial and residential building contract. This provides protection to both our clients and ourselves as we set a high level of professionalism from the outset.
We wish for our clients to have full confidence in everything we do as we set that a level high professionalism from the outset. For further information visit – JCT - Home Owner Contracts and the JCT - Design and Build Contract
Environmental & Sustainability
Environmental & Sustainability; At Sevenoaks Design & Build we are determined to ensure that how we operate is innovative, efficient and value driven. Our projects have better solutions for our clients in the use of energy, heat, water and waste management.
To achieve this excellence, we continually review our methods and approaches by using new industry better building systems and better performing materials. We train our staff on the awareness of environmental risks and impacts to actively reduce the consumption of raw materials, energy, water and waste. By reducing waste, we can be more cost efficient and transfer these savings onto our projects.
Health & Safety
Our Golden Rules:
- Be fit for work
- If something is wrong, then report it
- Always work conscientiously in respect of others and your surroundings
- Look out for the physical and mental wellbeing of your team mates
We pledge that all of our employees are trained and are qualified to carry out the work they do in a safe and professional manner.
Each project receives its own bespoke Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan in line with CDM Regulations. This is shared with our clients. Please see The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015